About the Artist

Al is an interdisciplinary artist and architectural designer based on Noongar Country, the South West of Australia.

Under the pseudonym Big Al, her collaborative projects are generated alongside other local and international environmental artists, planners, organisations and educators. She works as a commissioned artist across architecture, painting, drawing, photography, video, performance, and writing. Recurring themes in Big Al's work reveal an artist invested in the surreal intricacies of nature, with movement often transforming the scale of her subjects and landscapes across multiple mediums. Her focus in her work and creative process consistently returns to the awe of the natural world, the beauty of accidental moments, and a fondness for forgotten objects. Often isolating her subjects - or creating tiny worlds inside her landscapes - a thread that binds her work is an invitation to reconnect through curiosity and absurdity.

She is an awarded architectural graduate by the Australian Institute of Architects, awarded artist by the City of Fremantle and published author with Landscape Architecture Australia. Her album cover designs for Australian band Spacey Jane have acquired over 30 million streams. The Forests Atlas, a book of her paintings edited by Daniel Jan Martin in collaboration with several other West Australian artists, was published in May 2023.

She currently lectures and tutors Architecture and Landscape Architecture at Notre Dame University, and the University of Western Australia.

Existing and Future Artwork Inquiries

To collaborate with Big Al _


_ please contact: thatsbigal@gmail.com



who has collaborated or commissioned an artwork over the years, a big thank you for the inspiration, consideration, kindness: Jenny Potts Barr, Daniela Palitos, Daniel Jan Martin, Mariella Espino Zuppa, Shupiwe Chongwe, Dr Noel Nannup, Nansen Robb, Clancy Martin, WA Forest Alliance, Mt Eyk Architects, Patrick M. Lyndon, Suhee Kang, Grant Johnson, Harrison Davis, Landscape Architecture Australia, Tokyo Zokei University, Aiko Owada, Makita Sayaka, Sierra Sanchez, Silvia Husek, Blake Poole, Baz Emerald, Georgia Herbert, Tessa MacKay, Early Work Gallery, Liam Mouritz, APACE Nursery, The Little Wing Corner Gallery, Three Stories, Ray Smithson, Third Wheel Cafe, Arts Itoya, Studio Kura, Sachi Matsuzaki, Matthew Forsyth, Rebecca Merlic, Colin Peele, Anna Abl, Sanae Nicola, Eugenio Nuzzo, Georgia b Smith, Nick Uglow, Sabina Kafkova, DSLD, OCA, Stable Hands, Angelica Young, Huzzard Studio Group, Best Wishes, Georgia Siciliano, Paper Mountain Gallery, Jessica Kohlbusch, Emily Wong, Katarina Welborn, Grant Donaldson, Guy Straker, Olivia Dejonge, Navdanya International, Kate Wilson, Plastic Free July, Sheila Art Foundation, LOVE Foundation Australia, Mojos Bar, iKids, Oceanique, South Ceiling, Spacey Jane, Noah Dillon, Fraeya Evans, No Nomad, These Winter Nights, RA RA Viper, Jack O Grady, The Bird, Joes Printing, Emily Ford, Michael Tartiglia, Timothy Angeloni, Ali Angeloni, Alice Reilly, Emma O’Donovan, Tess Dillon, Ali Dillon, Claire Breidahl, Trini Reynolds, Maxi Ford, Recycled Rainbow, Racqael Rebelo, Demon Days, Rosemount Hotel, Tom Van Beem, ICEA, And/And Studio, Shore Coastal, Tara D’Cruz, Indie Stewart, Bec Maddern, Pete Dwyer, Kate Manolini, Acacia Landscape Design, Gemma Kilcoyne, Saskia Fleming, James Giddy, Cleaver St, BANFF, Ghost Care, Josh Sampson, Julie Murray, Kieran Lama, Lachlan Serventy, St Pats, Mal de Mer, Sam Perrignon, Vaughn Bisschops, Sandie Walton-Ellery, Alex Micallef-Jones, Brooke Gagiero, Tahlia Beeson, Henry Meagher.

Big Al’s Studio (Photo: Guy Straker)